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2024 Survey

As part of our commitment to listening to the views of our tenants, the 2024 satisfaction survey is your chance to make a difference by telling us what you think.

The aim of the survey is to find out how satisfied you are with the home and services you receive from Colchester Borough Homes, the council’s Arms Length Management Organisation.

This is part of the government’s annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures. We publish the results from the survey every year at

By taking only five minutes to complete the survey you can enter the free prize draw, with a chance to win one of 10x £100 prizes in supermarket shopping vouchers!

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey or would like the survey in a different format, please contact the Customer Service Centre on or 01206 282514 who will be happy to help you.

For any technical difficulties please contact


If you already have a code, enter it below and click continue.


For everyone else, enter an email below and click continue to login. You will also get a copy of your code emailed to you.

We have provided your contact details to an independent company called ARP Research to carry out this survey on our behalf in line with data protection rules (GDPR) and the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. Anything you tell ARP Research is completely confidential which means that, however you take part, your answers will be separated from your identity. In addition, your details will only be used for this survey and will be stored for no longer than necessary. For more detail please click here.